dr. Töltési Imre igazságügyi szakértő
dr. Imre Töltési Registerred Forensic Expert 
Fields of activity
  • Information security 
  • Wired telecommunication 
  • Wireless telecommunication 
Special expertise 
In addition to general tasks I accept requests of investigating authorities, courts, lawyer's offices, other organisations and private persons in special, governmental, law enforcement, military and national security cases. 
I passed national security clearance in Hungary and have access right to NATO classified documents, also. 
I assume examination of special purposed military products and services subject to export-import control regime described by the 160/2011. (VIII. 18.) decree according to my speciality (e.g. software, special devices for LEA and national security services, electronics, EW, SIGINT, C4, systems, etc.). 
  • Hungarian 
  • English 
  • Russian 
Registration data
  • ID card: SZ 271994 
  • Registration number at Ministry of Justice: 008712
  • Memebership: Budapest Chamber of Expert Witnesses